Self Blue Screening Cars
“Grab your collar if you want to tag along” – pun not intended. Although it does sound like something you’d hear on Dog City.
“Grab your collar if you want to tag along” – pun not intended. Although it does sound like something you’d hear on Dog City.
If he doesn’t grab his collar before tagging along, will she have to bust him out next?
AUGH! no collar or contact? HES NAKED
He doesn’t seem to have fur that is any more sleep-ruffled than his fur usually is drawn ruffled either, so he answered the door already groomed on-purpose.
No collar at all, hmm does that mean they both sleep naked?
Pretty sure sleeping with a collar on could be a choking hazard.
It’s not like anything is showing.
Kade’s reaction to the tale of Harvey’s action is senseless, Bugsy likes it, now where’s the violence?
What? Hyu mentioned Dog City, Hy thought it vould be germaine?
I’ve used Windows 10 for quite a while now, and it’s NEVER blue-screened on ANY of the laptops I’ve used it on.
It didn’t run at all on my currently laptop back when I was on HDD, but on SSD it works perfectly fine and I can’t remember the last time I blue screened (or if it was even on Windows 10).
My roommate’s Windows 10 machine bluescreens repeatedly just for the lulz. Me, I think it’s revenge from all the cat’s patting the screen/swatting it with their tail, and dancing on the keyboard.
It’s ticklish.
Oh no, Kade is naked! Don’t look at him!
Oh, you commenters that say Kade is naked! XD
How come you did not comment at the time Nicole was naked? (March 20 & 27 comics…)
Because Kade is the total buff hottie, duh?
Up all night playing arcade games… so that what the kids are calling it now. 😉
He looks so… Naked without the collar
In the Housepets! comic there was an a story arc about one of the dogs losing their collar and embarrassed about being naked. One of the other characters told the dog that they are naked all the time, but the dog was embarrassed because without their collar, it was an advanced form of nakedness.
I think it was Bino, yep!
Then after he got his collar back, he learned nobody else saw him like that. So he acted out an entire thing where he pretended he still had no collar. Because he didn’t want his earlier embarrassment to be for nothing.
Something along those lines.
Originally, the storyline was him making the narrative. But Rick lost the entire arc in a computer crash, so it turned into Rex losing the video, and Bino dragging him along to re-make the video. Hilarity ensues.
I notice he don’t got his contact on. Nice detail 👌
Wait…… did she stay the night……. is she in there? I dont think anything happened if she did, kade is just to himbo for that.
If they did “snuggle”, that would really change the direction of their relationship. :> But I feel like next comic strip will show Riley sleeping on the couch or something.
It’s likely it turned that direction quite some time ago, but off-panel. We don’t need to see everything in their lives. ;3
Sure. “Playing video games”. A likely story.