I Told You So by Tim on February 26, 2025 at 5:33 pm Chapter: Comics There’s an obvious compromise here: gunblade. └ Tags: Kade, Ness, Nicole
Snake? Snake?? SNAAAAAAAKE!!
*MGS game over theme*
Fission Mailed
These comments are great
Should I point out that the patch is over Ness’s RIGHT eye?
Isn’t that kind of the point of the last panel comment by Kade.
Kade is saying Raiden is missing his left eye. Not Ness (Who is also a she, might I add).
Well at least she didn’t explode into atoms like Mega Man does.
Okay, Sloid Ness is kinda adorable still
Nicole better run. A demonic plush with a Nerf gun is chaos.
Of course. A Gunblade WOULD be the Seifer option to give the demon plush…