wow, im suprised no one went into panic mode after that. plus i like how ROB is looking up at the zapper as if he’s a baby that got scolded and wants his toy back
The Evil is draining Harvey’s energy as a power source, as well as other spirits in the haunted house. That’s why Harvey thinks he’s evil, because he’s unknowingly under R.O.B.’s influence
Just give him the souls of the retail place where the signs said they had ps4s in stock and didnt… solve harveys troubles, and help Karma come back and bite the store all at the same time..
The color change occurs when he shoots the zapper. Hmmmmm, maybe because the evil had to move from R.O.B. into the zapper to make it work? This may require research. To the Arcane Library! (opens Google)
I’d seriously recommend making R.O.B. “A pillar of the community.” After all, sticking him in a 5 gallon bucket filled with quickcrete (buried in the basement) SHOULD keep the little monster out of trouble…
his eyes changed from the backscatter-that was a seriously powerful beam, and should have left the carpet smoking.
Kade must’ve taken very good care of that zapper if it’s capable of doing that.
Yeah after all the zapper still had residual energy to blast Harvey’s hand/arm off
I think R.O.B. did a little more then just mess with Kade’s contacts.
R.O.B. Wins!
Wait did Harvey reach out with his right arm, get his left arm blasted and lost his right?
He reached with his left and put his right behind his back
Ok i got that backwards he reached with right and put his left behind his back
Yeah, the perspective is kinda awkward (difficult to draw) but that’s correct, reached with right hand, right hand got blasted.
Harvey’s back is to the viewer in the first panel, not the front.
It must also hate Harvey alot.
wow, im suprised no one went into panic mode after that. plus i like how ROB is looking up at the zapper as if he’s a baby that got scolded and wants his toy back
I know! It’s like they were all “eh, let’s give him a shot” to “well, that didn’t work out.”
ZOT! One of the best SFX ever. Also, poor Harvey. But how in the world did that happen? It’s not even plugged in.
As Harvey says, Rob is pure evil. Evil doesn’t need a power source. Or physics.
The Evil is draining Harvey’s energy as a power source, as well as other spirits in the haunted house. That’s why Harvey thinks he’s evil, because he’s unknowingly under R.O.B.’s influence
two things. First, i knew that was going to happen sooner or later. Second, is Harvey going to be okay?
That depends if Kade’s willing to spend the Gil on a Phoenix Down.
but harvey is undead. a phoenix down would kill him just like the ghost train.
Hm… good point. Guess we’ll just have to feed Harvey a whole lot of Super Potions and hope it grows back.
Just give him the souls of the retail place where the signs said they had ps4s in stock and didnt… solve harveys troubles, and help Karma come back and bite the store all at the same time..
Or maybe use a Moon Dew.
Ha someone called that earlier in the comic
Love the comic tim
Omg Harvey’s face in multiple panels xDDD
Harvey your arm will grow back your a ghost after all
Well that’s just great. NOW we have to wait for Harvey to grow a new arm. That’s gonna take AT LEAST two strips.
Well that should put an end to the debate of whether or not Rob can harm Harvey.
Guess I was wrong about Rob just wanting to play.
Hey now, he did play. He played a game called, “Shoot the arm off the ghost.” It is a fun game to play, you get a bonus if you shoot both off at once.
See? I told you we shouldn’t trust Rob owo we must annihilate him -w-
I hope Harvey going to be okay…
This only a flesh wound
anyone else notice the change of colour in R.O.B’s eyes?
His eyes changed colour after the zapper was taken from him.
Could this mean that it is not Rob that is evil, but the zapper itself?
The color change occurs when he shoots the zapper. Hmmmmm, maybe because the evil had to move from R.O.B. into the zapper to make it work? This may require research. To the Arcane Library! (opens Google)
According to my admittedly old (30 years!) memories, commands to the robot were encoded as green flashes.
oh dear. I do hope Harvey’s arm comes back.
Aww, look at Nicole’s concern for Harvey.
Call the Nintendo Support. I think there were numbers at the bottom of these old systems to call for tech support.
Oh, yeah. It had a little picture of Mario with a toolbox and screwdriver.
Hey, at least it wasn’t a Super Scope, that would hurt a lot.
I’d seriously recommend making R.O.B. “A pillar of the community.” After all, sticking him in a 5 gallon bucket filled with quickcrete (buried in the basement) SHOULD keep the little monster out of trouble…
his eyes changed from the backscatter-that was a seriously powerful beam, and should have left the carpet smoking.
Awww , poor Harvey X_X
1 : Why Rob’s eyes goes green when he shoots Harvey ?
2 : Rob having no fingers to use the unplugged weapon , what about the possibility this one be possessed too ?
Don’t worry , it’s just a superficial flesh wound (Boromir being bowed in LotR 1)
Hehe, Harvey arguing against pure evil…
O.O where did the energy for that blast come from .-.
Guess R.O.B still had some untapped “potential” left from Smash Bros.
…that was bad, I’m going to leave now.
Well, This is disarming.
*claps slowly*
Kade is super cute in the fourth panel =3
Soooo…Either ROB is the Terminator or he’s a new model of a Dalek…You make the call! An then be sure to run for cover either way.
ROB, you’ve been a bad robot. *grabs a screwdriver*
A shaded Kade, thats new
Panel 5? I think that’s due to the back-‘flash’ from the really bright zapper beam.
Well, the plan didn’t really work as they hoped. So, do non-corporeal beings regrow limbs?
Yeah, who didn’t use their zapper for energy blasts? XD
The use of “ZOT!” reminded me of this:
But Nichole said Rob was to watch Harvey and shoot if he tried to get away… Harvey got away so he has to be EXTERMINATED! EXTERMINATE!
Could’ve been your face, Harvey. Sheesh.
Is he going to regenerate his arm? Or does Kade have a spare Ultra Hand laying around?
Silly robot, you’re suppose to aim ‘center of mass’!
You expect ROB to rotate by 2 degrees? That’d take like… five minutes!
Axe murderer? I know that armor guy from some european castle~
I wish he would have lost his left arm.
Why the left?
Because I enjoyed watching FMA(Full Metal Achemist)
But Ed lost his right arm. Or was there someone else who lost a left arm… hm… now I’ve got to re-watch it.
Really? Now I need to rewatch it.
I’ve been watching a mirrored version this whole time.
No way!
I would make a Monty Python reference, but that would be too easy.
It also seems that Harvey has a knack for sarcasm (my favorite type of humour). XD
Talk about a light gun
BTW curious question, have you done any animations lately, I just notice the ad for tails and tactics and the art style is very reminiscing of yours.
Yep, that was me. I’ve also been wanting to finish my Pokeball animation, but things keep coming up.