Can of Beans
What kind of easter egg could you find in an Old West mine shaft? Hmm…
Kade is dressed as McCree, complete with “SNES” belt buckle and dog treat instead of a cigar. Very reminiscent of Red the Hunter.
What kind of easter egg could you find in an Old West mine shaft? Hmm…
Kade is dressed as McCree, complete with “SNES” belt buckle and dog treat instead of a cigar. Very reminiscent of Red the Hunter.
Kade did that on purpose.
I was convinced NICOLE did it on purpose XD
If you’ve got the health, take the plunge.
Put a couple spikes down there and a sign up top advertising free stuff and you’ve made a mine out of a mine! Also join here for some fun savestate discussion, side with your favourite character and watch as utter chaos reigns when we unveil our new rp room! (Ask mods for rp room access)
Beans fix all injuries
Sort of like how energy drinks work in PUBG.
… Because they are ‘Cool Beans’
If you eat a can of beans that do not help, are they “Has-Beans”?
Only if they’re wearing beanies, and bean nice to each other.
If you eat enough you will be able to launch yourself back up.
Reminds me of a show I loved, back in Turkey, where they had a superhero pastiche character named Gazman. He had super strength, and was able to fly by eating a can of beans and- yeah
is that the one where he farts to fly?
Nope, I don’t even know Boogerman. See reply below.
The ripping friends? That superhero parody show that used a lot of gross out humor?
I don’t think so. It was a Turkish live-action show, seriously doubt it’s ever been seen abroad. The sketch was called Gazman, and the show itself was Reyting Hamdi.
First thing I thought of on seeing Kade’s outfit was Clint Eastwood in his spaghetti westerns. (Love those!)
…Ever notice the guy with the belt full of pistol cartridges and a cap & ball revolver? Amd with visible caps on the revolver!? LOL! That was great fun the first time I noticed that!
Lol kade CD
I’m loving him in the 7th panel!
So what , Nicole : never look where you walk in dark mines ? ^_^”
PUB : You’re injured , arrowed or directly dead ? Eat a can of beans , you’ll be fine after XD
Love Kade being noserubbing on the ground in the last panel ^_^
Happened to me, but from top of mountains in this game.
What I hope for is, there will be another crossover with GamerCat^^
Yes please
I need that last phrase on a t-shirt.
Ever feel obligated to comment something even though it has nothing to do with the comic?
Me neither.
Looks like they should have MINE-ded their own business! *Rimshot sfx*
That was just STONE cold but I’m not gonna PICK on you cause I DIG it.
The outfits are just freaking amazing here <3
They found a grue?
Or maybe some other Zork reference
When in doubt *beans*.
It’s high noon…
No. It’s mid night.
High night , mid high , mid noon or or night noon ? *high five*
(this post has absolutely nothing to do in the story) ^_^”
Now in most games I play CadetheDOOGO is my name
Anyone who plays command and conquer rivals can enter my savestate guild savestate Co
There is a thing called a “torch or a lantern” maybe that’s just me