Step 1: Find your boat.
Step 2: Wait for griefers to stop spawn camping.
Step 3: – Please wait for previous step to complete –
Step 1: Find your boat.
Step 2: Wait for griefers to stop spawn camping.
Step 3: – Please wait for previous step to complete –
1. Find your boat
2. Shoot a griefer in the face with a pistol or have ’em miss a shot and then stab ’em!
3. Run towards your boat
4. Find out the game doesn’t offer much
5.Start griefing others.
XD lmto
I would’ve imagined Kade getting killed first.
I kinda expected the BLAM!
Why aren’t you doing anything on the recent announcement by Activision the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro will be in Smash Bros?
He can’t do everything
Really. I would love a link to said announcement so I can read more about it.
Sorry but both crash and spyro haven’t been confirmed XD
Coco Bandicoot’s also in, but is she a clone, or an alternate skin with unique taunts
I love that game so much, glad ya got around to it Tim@!!
“R.I.P Pirate Nicole, press f to pay respects…”
All joking aside, great job on this, Tim! It was hilarious!
By the way, I sent you another email.
I think they should rename the game “Sea of Griefers”.
More like Sea of Boredom.
Agreed. XD
Remember Magnus the Rogue from Minecraft: Story Mode?
Spending time with him is a BLAST! XD
This is exactly why I don’t play PvP MMOs. Or really PvP anything other than Mario Kart and SSB.
Know what you mean. Well on the up side, due to toxic players in PvP MMOs I have saved a lot of money by not even bothering to buy those games. Armello is great as about the worst thing a player can do outside of what is normal game play is to rage quit. Then an AI takes over for them.
What’s Armello?
Armello is on steam, and it is a board game type video game for four players to play against each other with a very anthomorphic cast of characters. You roll dice and use cards for the various actions. The AI is only so good, but online can be really fun.
Also players who’ve been grinding for years (or purchasing) to get the most OP items in the whole entire game.
I’ve done PvP in Star Trek Online maybe three times, and got one-shot KO’d each time. No joke, I spent maybe 80% of the “fights” waiting to respawn and going back to the other player’s location.
It’s not fun or enriching in any manner, it’s just frustrating and frankly gets repetitive after a couple times.
That’s one of the things that makes Fortnite is cool; all the buyables/unlockables are purely cosmetic. The game is based purely based on skill.(If not, than mostly based on skill)
* “That makes Fortnite cool”
Well I think it’s fair to reward players with buffs and useful goodies, as long as you pair them up with those who’re the same level and similarly equipped.
In STO, once you reach the maximum level for your character, you’re all in the same boat.
I do almost exclusively free-to-play and have maxed out relatively recently, with the highest grade of equipment available by default. But some have been upgrading their equipment even further, and collected the rarest items (and ships) available over the years or with money. Somehow, they seem to be the only ones who’re willing to invite me, or accept an invitation from me, to PvP at all.
I think there should be at least some way of getting info on the other player’s equipment (grade, rarity) because the character’s level alone isn’t a good indication of their potential.
Pardon me for asking, but where exactly does this link go?
I was just wondering.
“You Are A Pirate” from LazyTown.
Oh, I get it. XD lmto
One of the best LazyTown memes. Right up there with the “It’s Mine” song (better known as simply “the Mine song”) and “We are Number One”.
I wasn’t sure because the computer I usually view these comics with does not actually have access to YouTube.
Slapstick knows no gender… or maybe Nicole still looks like a guy.
Well… she certainly has become more “gifted in the chest area” since the comic started. owo
I don’t know why I never notice that Riley doesn’t have her glasses in this picture.
It’s actually really strange, seeing her without her glasses on.
This is basically how I would feel if I saw Mario without his mustache.
*noticed, not notice
Huh, and here I thought Kade would have been the one to blunder like that 😛
Only Kade could made a reference about a “Yie Ar” game made a certain Commodore in this situation…
Forgot about the part where once your in the boat, you got no ammo or gunpowder to fire ammo:P
Don’cha hate it when that happens?
It’s a game about pirates, I’m not surprised.
Kind of reminds me of the jerks in Day Z, they would be the villains in a actual Walking Dead type scenario.
least Nicole knows how Harvey & Ness are hehe
Wonder what it’s like to have hook hand or peg leg
Did you receive the email I sent you a week ago?
I’ve been told Tim got jury duty. : /
Poor Nicole; even Riley’s laughing at her. 🙂