Antimagic Field by Tim on December 13, 2023 at 6:22 pm Chapter: Comics There’s a slight chance I’m mixing up Santa with a Xenomorph. └ Tags: Harvey, Ness, Nicole
Is Harvey thinking of Krampus?
Ok, are bear traps even legal in a furry universe? Wouldn’t that be considered… incredibly racist? Or… speciesist?
Are there feral animals? If so, I can see why they’re used.
they’re called bear traps because that was what they were called in the universe the prophet saw, no one knows what bear means
most believe the prophet to have been insane, but the design somehow worked
There’s a typo in the fifth panel…”since”.
So is Santa a lvl 22 god tier sorcerer rogue Xenomorph?
Well, that’s easy enough, Harvey just needs a lvl 23 god tier M-41a pulse rifle in the hands of a ninja Gandalf.
*waggles finger* Oh, Harvey…
Reindeer bodyguards? Now I gotta see Santa’s full team
Harvey, those are his up close body guards. You think he doesn’t have ones that show up and sweep the area before he gets there?
Doesn’t Harvey know?
Santa’s a Time Lord, not a sorcerer
And the sled is actually a Tardis that chooses a festive appearance each year. That makes sense, how else can he carry all those present around.
Now I’m curious, is there a Dr. Who episode where the Doctor meets Santa?
If yes, what is it called? I want to see that.
S3 E1 – Last Christmas (of the Dr Who Christmas specials). Yes it is well worth watching especially since its Peter Capaldi and Nick Frost and yes they do but heads a lot!
Classic Who or new Who?
New Who, Christmas 2014, between seasons 8 and 9.
New Who? Who knew…
Yes. I dont remember. You should see it.
Well, the iron filings will stop the bose-einstein condensate spectres of Christmas past, present, and future.