Mario Maker 2 Contest
Savestate is holding a Mario Maker 2 contest! Grand prize is a hardcover copy of Savestate with a colored drawing inside!

How to win?
- Only available to those living in the US / Canada since the book will have to be mailed.
- You have until Friday, August 2 to enter.
- Play and beat the Mario Maker 2 level with course ID 478-FBB-2HF
- At the end of the level will be a code written in blocks. Take note of this.
- Send an email to savestatecomic (at) with your Mario Maker name and the code from the end of the level.
- Everyone who finishes the level will be entered into a drawing to win the grand prize.
- Do I get anything for being the first to beat the level?
- No. This isn’t a speed run. People have school, work, and other video games to play.
- Do I need to send my mailing address?
- It would make things easier but it’s not required. I’ll contact you to get that information if you win.
- What if the winner isn’t able to claim the prize?
- If I can’t get in contact with the winner to get a mailing address then a new winner will be chosen from the list of those who’ve completed the level.
- Why do I need to email my Mario Maker name and the code from the end of the level?
- To keep things fair. Mario Maker keeps track of who’s beaten each level, however that information is publicly available. The code at the end of the level acts as proof that you’ve actually reached the end of the level and aren’t just pretending to be someone on the leader board.
- What if no one beats the level?
- Then I’ll make an easier level and we’ll try this again.
So I’m an idiot and didn’t realize Mario Maker 2 still had level previews, which meant the secret code was visible to everyone. I’ve fixed this and uploaded the level again. For those that had cleared the original level, I have a log of all previous clears so don’t worry about having to re-beat the level.
Special acclamations to shifter311 who not only was the first to clear the level but held the record at 8’37”.
woah, cool
How do you play Mario Maker?
You’ll need a Nintendo Switch, a copy of Mario Maker 2, and Nintendo Online subscription. I know that’s a lot to ask, but it’s the best option for this kind of contest.
I live in France ……….. X_X
Is it not possible to use a service like Shipto to mail the book if you win, and then they will mail to your country, Panther?
Sorry. This is kind of an experiment and world wide shipping would add one more level of complexity. If everything works out in the end I’ll probably do another contest and include world wide shipping. From the few overseas orders I’ve had in the Savestate store I’ve already had one package disappear and it was not fun dealing with the USPS over that issue.
From sender’s side of things, sending to Shipto and similar services should be identical as if it was a package sent within US, nothing complex about that. If I had Mario Maker already, I would also just enter.
Question Tim: Is the original option of adding a sketch to the hardcover now off the table? I just attempted to place an order, and got an “out of stock “ message with that option.
For now it’s not available. I just don’t have the time. Hopefully things will clear up soon and I can add some more of sketches to the store.
Okay thanks for the info. BTW… love the comic- I had a Aussie as a teenager.
There… kind of a problem with this “knowing the code at the end of the level means you beat it” thing… E-mailed you the details to not spoil it to those knowing the trick, but you’ll maybe want to change the level a bit…
*to those NOT knowing the trick
Facepalm. Yeah, I’m an idiot. For some reason I didn’t think the preview from the original Mario Maker was in 2. I’ll fix the course.
That was a ton of fun Tim. You got me in a few areas for sure. But i had a blast. Those first spiked pillars drove me insane
well, something else i cant get (im from mexico, so i cant buy neither get in the contest)
I have a Friend in israel which has a similar problem as well. They still want a switch badly but from what i hear they don’t sell that over there.
Got to the first checkpoint fine, but I can’t figure out how to get past the Rocky Wrench with the spikes above him.